Connect and Query


This documentation covers the previous release of SkySQL. A new SkySQL release is now available to explore.

Connect to MariaDB SkySQL services using service details and a MariaDB-compatible client.

By default, connections to SkySQL services occur over TLS to provide data-in-transit encryption. AWS PrivateLink and GCP VPC Network Peering are available.

Workstation to Database

Connect from a Workstation to a Database

Application to Database

Connect from an Application to a Database

Database to Database

Connect from a Database to a Database

SkySQL services are managed from the SkySQL Portal or using the SkySQL DBaaS API.

Database connections are made using a connector (from an application) or a client (interactively or from scripts).

Clients and connectors listed here are supported under MariaDB Corporation Engineering Policies.

Clients and connectors listed here are compatible with:

  • MariaDB SkySQL DBaaS

  • MariaDB database products (including Enterprise Server and MaxScale)

  • MariaDB Community Server

MariaDB Connectors

MariaDB Connectors are available for many popular programming languages.

Programming Language / Interface



MariaDB Connector/C


MariaDB Connector/C++

Java - JDBC

MariaDB Connector/J

Java - R2DBC

MariaDB Connector/R2DBC


MariaDB Connector/Node.js


MariaDB Connector/ODBC


MariaDB Connector/Python

MariaDB Client

MariaDB Client can be used interactively or within scripts.

MariaDB Client is included with distributions of MariaDB database products.

Compatible third-party clients exist but are not listed here.

Executable Filename


mariadb, mysql

Connect from the command-line

For additional information about MariaDB Client, see "MariaDB Client".

Tools and Utilities

Tools and utilities listed here are included with distributions of MariaDB database products and make a client connection.

Command-Line Executable


mariadb-admin, mysqladmin

Check configuration and current status

mariadb-backup, mariabackup

Create and restore physical backups (including Aria, InnoDB, MyISAM, MyRocks)

mariadb-binlog, mysqlbinlog

Read binary logs or relay logs

mariadb-check, mysqlcheck

Perform table maintenance operations

mariadb-dump, mysqldump

Create logical backups

mariadb-import, mysqlimport

Load table data from CSV, TSV, and other text file formats

mariadb-show, mysqlshow

Display databases, tables, table columns, indexes

mariadb-slap, mysqlslap

Generate client load for testing

Business Intelligence (BI)

MariaDB database products are accessible from business intelligence (BI) platforms, including:

BI Platform


Microsoft Power BI

MariaDB Direct Query Adapter for Microsoft Power BI enables Microsoft Power BI Desktop users to remotely connect to and query their MariaDB database, including on MariaDB SkySQL, without downloading the entire data set to their local machine.