MariaDB Connector C 3.2.5 and 3.1.15 releases now available
Posted on November 10, 2021 by Daniel Bartholomew

MariaDB is pleased to announce the immediate availability of MariaDB Connector/C 3.2.5 and 3.1.15.
Release Notes and Changelog
MariaDB Connector/C 3.2.5
Notable items in this release include:
- Included in MariaDB 10.6.5
- If a stored procedure was executed as server side cursor and server doesn’t set the SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS status flag, the result set will not be processed as a server side cursor.
- If mariadb_stmt_execute_direct fails, the number of parameters (obtained by response packet of mysql_stmt_prepare) will be set back to the number of prebinded parameters to avoid memory overrun.
- The API function mysql_load_plugin_v() now returns the plugin handle (instead of raising an error and returning a NULL handle) even if the plugin was already loaded. This will avoid possible race conditions, when one thread is loading the plugin while another thread waits for the lock to load the same plugin.
- Xcode compatibility update (Thanks to Sergei Krivonos for his contribution)
- Removed callback function for crypto threads, since the callback function cannot be cleared (this affects OpenSSL <= 1.0.2 only)
MariaDB Connector/C 3.1.15
Notable items in this release include:
- Included in MariaDB 10.5.13, 10.4.22, 10.3.32, and 10.2.41
- If a stored procedure was executed as server side cursor and server doesn’t set the SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS status flag, the result set will not be processed as a server side cursor.
- If mariadb_stmt_execute_direct fails, the number of parameters (obtained by response packet of mysql_stmt_prepare) will be set back to the number of prebinded parameters to avoid memory overrun.
- The API function mysql_load_plugin_v() now returns the plugin handle (instead of raising an error and returning a NULL handle) even if the plugin was already loaded. This will avoid possible race conditions, when one thread is loading the plugin while another thread waits for the lock to load the same plugin.
- Xcode compatibility update (Thanks to Sergei Krivonos for his contribution)
- Removed callback function for crypto threads, since the callback function cannot be cleared (this affects OpenSSL <= 1.0.2 only)
See the release notes and changelogs for more details and visit to download.